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时间:2017-04-14    点击数:

  题目:How Long Should You Stay at a Financial Job: Are Men and Women Different?





  Using the career histories from LinkedIn data, this paper investigates whether the gender differences in representation and quit probabilities in the finance industry is related to gender difference in preference for competition. We estimate a difference-in-difference model by exploiting an exogeneous shock caused by the removing of “rank and yank” performance appraisal system in the US listed financial firms, which clearly reduces the level of competition within a workplace. We find that women have higher quit probabilities than men in the finance industry, but the removing of "rank and yank" system significantly increases women’s work durations in the industry and narrowed the gender gap in quit probabilities. The evidence indicates that gender differences in the preference for competition may contribute to explain women’s under-representation and higher quit rate in the finance industry.


  严硕,南方科技大学金融学助理教授。严硕于2016年获意大利博科尼大学博士学位(金融学),于2011年获得荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学硕士学位(金融学),于2009年获得山东财经大学经济学学士(金融学)。研究方向为:公司金融,金融市场与机构,发展经济学等。论文《How Long Should You Stay at a Financial Job: Are Men and Women Different?》获2016年国际信息系统年会年度最佳创新论文提名(2016 ICIS annual meeting ICIS Best innovative paper nominee)。