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时间:2017-04-05    点击数:

  讲座主题: The impact of the maximizing mindset on decision time




  讲座摘要: Prior research has shown that a maximizing decision strategy pushes people to take longer to make a decision. However, using a mindset priming manipulation, we show that this effect depends on choice complexity: maximizing prolongs decisions only for complex choices, but quickens decisions for simple choices. Two mechanisms account for this effect. First, decision time varies with the number of comparisons made; because complex choices involve more potential comparisons, maximizing increases decision time by increasing number of comparisons to a greater extent for complex than simple choices. Second, decision time is negatively related to the speed with which each comparison is made. Maximizing thus reduces decision time for simple choice mainly because it reduces comparison time, but maximizing increases decision time because the effect of increased number of comparisons overwhelms the effect of quickened comparison time. As revealed by eye-tracking, maximizing reduces comparison time in part because it promotes a more structured visual search among choice options. The present research thus clarifies the current understanding of the relation between maximizing and decision dynamics.

  个人简介:马京晶,北京大学国家发展研究院管理学助理教授,于2015年在美国西北大学凯洛格商学院获得营销学博士学位,主要研究领域是:消费者决策与判断,消费者网上购物决策与眼动分析。马老师的研究成果曾在JCR、JMR以及Harvard Business Review等顶级学术与商业期刊上发表多篇论文和评论,并且被多家权威媒体报道,包括华尔街日报、亚特兰大、科学美国人、当代心理学、新浪网等。马老师主授博士研究生消费者行为研讨课,MBA营销学基础课和EDP(培训)营销公开课。