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时间:2017-10-19    点击数:

  讲座主题: Hallowed be Thy Brand: Measuring Perceived Brand Sacredness (品牌的神圣化:概念及其测量)




  讲座摘要:Contemporary consumer research shows that sacred meanings often manifest in mundane consumption objects. The authors propose ‘brand sacredness’ as the extent of a brand being perceived of possessing extraordinary and spiritual properties inspiring veneration that would make the brand distinct from other brands in the eyes of a group of brand devotees. To capture the strength of consumer’s perceived brand sacredness, the authors developed and validated a measurement scale composed of three related dimensions: supremacy, mesmerization and communitas. The findings from a series of studies provided robust supports for the scale structure and demarcated the construct domains from other consumer-brand relationship measures. The authors showed the utility of the scale to differentiate the strength of a given brand possessing sacred status, as perceived by their respective brand communities. Testing of nomological validity of the scale further demonstrated that brand sacredness is influenced by brand love, emotional brand attachment and brand loyalty, and meanwhile provides explanatory power to predict theoretically related outcome variables including transcendent consumer experience, defense of brand, incorporation brand in extended-self, brand ritualism and brand evangelism.

  个人简介:王承璐,营销学博士。目前任美国纽黑文大学商学院,营销学终身教授,系主任。此前曾任教于香港浸会大学和美国马里兰大学。主要研究方向为消费者行为,国际营销及中国市场营销。自2000年以来,作为特邀教授,多次为中山大学,南开大学,香港浸会大学,东北大学,大连理工大学,哈工大,上海交通大学,华东师范大学等EMBA和MBA讲授多门营销学课程。同时在国内十多所大学做过学术讲座。在多种高影响因子的国际营销专业杂志上发表学术文章近60余篇。其中SSCI文章30余篇。主编《Contemporary Marketing in China: Theories and Practices》(2011年美国Nova 出版社出版),《Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Theories and Practices》(2014年由美国IGI出版社出版),以及《Exploring the Rising Fandom in Contemporary Consumer Culture》(2017年10月由IGI出版)。同时担任多种SSCI 国际营销学刊物编委,特刊主编和审稿人。担任历年香港政府学术基金委审稿人。最近获选美国福布莱特学者 (2017-2020)。