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时间:2024-07-02  阅读:

讲座题目:Jump Models with Delay--Option Pricing and Logarithmic Euler-Maruyama Scheme(具有时滞的跳跃模型——期权定价与对数EM算法)

主讲人:胡耀忠   加拿大阿尔伯塔大学世纪讲座教授





Ever after the Black-Scholes formula for option price there have been much studies on new models to model the stock market. In this talk, I will first. briefly explain option pricing and the Black-Scholes formula. Then I will present the existence, uniqueness, and positivity of the solution to delayed stochastic differential equations with jumps. This equation is then applied to model the price movement of the risky asset in a financial market and the Black--Scholes formula for the price of European option is obtained together with the hedging portfolios. The option price is evaluated analytically at the last delayed period by using the Fourier transformation technique. However, in general, there is no analytical expression for the option price. To evaluate the price numerically, we then use the Monte-Carlo method. To this end, we need to simulate the delayed stochastic differential equations with jumps. We propose a logarithmic Euler--Maruyama scheme to approximate the equation and prove that all the approximations remain positive and the rate of convergence of the scheme is proved to be $0.5$.



胡耀忠教授自1982年起开始从事系统科学、随机力学等领域的研究,1984年从中国科学院武汉数学物理研究所硕士毕业后,留在所里工作。先后于1986底-1988初和1991年初-1992年两次派往法国,师从国际上著名概率学家P.A.Meyer从事随机分析研究,并于1992年在法国取得博士学位。长期从事概率统计,随机系统的理论及其在金融、工程、量子物理中的应用研究。1997年至2017年在美国Kansas大学任助理教授,副教授,教授。2017年8月起到加拿大阿尔伯塔(Alberta)大学任世纪讲座教授。在概率统计领域的一流期刊等发表论文近180多篇。2015年当选美国统计研究院会士(Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics)。